Costs in Northern Cyprus


Costs in North Cyprus may vary and depend on personal finances and lifestyle. However, some common costs to consider include:

1. Housing cost:

Renting or buying housing is considered one of the biggest costs. This cost is calculated in dollars or pounds.

2. Daily life:

The costs of purchasing food, clothing, and everyday services may vary.

3. Social services:

Costs of connecting to social services such as water, electricity, gas, and internet.

4. Shipping:

Expenses related to public transportation or purchasing a vehicle.

5. Health:

Costs related to health and treatment services, which are free by receiving North Cyprus residence in government centers.

6. Recreation and cultural activities:

Expenses related to recreation, entertainment and cultural activities.

Before traveling or living in North Cyprus, it is useful to get to know the related costs with detailed research and have a proper financial planning.

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